Species at Risk Assessments
Ontario is home to several Species at Risk (SAR) such as the Butternut tree and Blanding's Turtle. SAR are protected under provincial and federal legislation, such as the Ontario's Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Applications for development must consider the avoidance of negative impacts to these species and associated habitats, including on private lands. It is the responsibility of individuals to ensure that they are in compliance with the ESA, and environmental consultants play a key role in guiding project proponents through this process. A Species at Risk study may be required as part of an Environmental Impact Study, Natural Heritage Evaluation, or as a stand-alone study.

Aster Environmental Services can assist you in assessing your property for the presence of Species at Risk or associated habitat. Whether supporting a development application or otherwise, we can identify the many Species at Risk that occur throughout Ontario.
We can guide clients through the appropriate process for ensuring compliance with relevant regulatory requirements or protective measures related to Species at Risk. Our staff remain up to date on regulatory changes under the ESA (see our blog), providing clients with the most up-to-date guidance.