Aster Environmental - - 705-627-3588
Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Consultants
The Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM) is one of the most significant and well-known landforms on the southern Ontario landscape. The ORM stretches from Dufferin County at its western extent to Northumberland County in the east. Drainage that originates on the ORM supplies surface and groundwater to many of southern Ontario's major watercourses. The ORM supports significant forest cover, wildlife habitat, and provides a multitude of human benefits include drinking water purification.
Development on the ORM is strictly regulated through policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. Most applications for development on the ORM must be supported by submission of a Natural Heritage Evaluation (NHE) and, in some cases, a Landform Conservation Assessment (LCA). The Staff at Aster Environmental Services are experts in conducting NHEs and LCAs for planning approvals within the jurisdiction of the ORM. We have significant experience interpreting the policies of the ORM Conservation Plan and preparing mitigation plans to achieve planning approvals. Contact us today to see how we can support your project on the ORM.
Providing services across Ontario.
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