Wetland Evaluation & Assessment

Most authorities require that wetlands are delineated or evaluated according to the standards of the the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES). Aster staff are OWES certified; we have extensive experience delineating wetlands to support approval processes, including meeting with municipal agencies and Conservation Authorities to negotiate the boundaries of wetland features.
We also offer expertise in preparing comprehensive wetland evaluation reports. These can be applied to support development applications or simply to guide landowners in understanding the significance of natural features on their lands.
Wetlands are sensitive ecological features that occur across the Ontario landscape. They support unique habitat opportunities for wildlife, including many Species at Risk. They also provide countless services to humans, including filtering contaminants in our water supply and mitigating flood risks to local communities. While it may not be obvious, wetlands are increasingly rare in southern Ontario due to ongoing land development and historic conversion to agriculture.
Wetlands are protected through provincial and municipal planning policies, as well as through regulations under the provincial Conservation Authorities Act. The presence of wetlands proximate to proposed development often triggers the requirement for an Environmental Impact Study or Natural Heritage Evaluation.